are blonde hair and blue eyes superior

Northern Europeans with especially "Nordic" features such as blonde hair and blue eyes were considered by so-called race scientists to be the most superior of Aryans, members of a "master race." Auschwitz: the largest Nazi concentration camp complex, located 37 miles west of Krakow, Poland. Nobody believes that people with blonde hair and blue eyes are superior. Blue eyes aren't actually blue. Along with this come ancillary values: blond hair and blue eyes. Blond hair, blue eyes: the Third Reich's sinister plan to boost the "master race" has left behind an emotionally charged legacy that lingers to . But people with 'blue eyes and blonde hair' dropping bombs over the Middle East and Africa is OK. And 'Blue eyes and blonde hair' is Hitler's words from the Mein Kampf about the superior Aryan . Copy. That does not even come close to the truth. Answer (1 of 13): As other answers have previously mentioned, Adolf Hitler did indeed have blue eyes, but not blonde hair. The idea . He killed all the people without blond hair or . All other Andean cultures were comprised of a Caucasoid elite ruling over another racial group. That is because of a natural pigment by the name of eumelanin increases in their hair. Blondes aren't forever: People with blue eyes and born with blonde hair often do not have blonde hair throughout their life. The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive, meaning both parents must have the genes for them to be expressed in their offspring. Theyre colors assigned to us at birth. Copy. 6 So it has been proposed that blue-eyed men prefer . People with blue eyes, though joyful, can get very serious and attentive at times. something we have no control over. Want to learn more about this topic? 2. blonde-haired, blue-eyed people had been seen by black African tribes throughout the continent long before the white . The Chinchorro mummies have caucasoid hair and features — and only Chinchorran culture existed exclusively of caucasoids. Brown eyes have the highest amount of melanin in the iris, and blue eyes have the least. There are many beautiful people with different skin colors, hair colors, eye colors that fit into the "normal" category. Hitler didn't, Nazis never have, Fascists never have, White nationalists don't, and even Nordicists don't. Hair and eye colour is not a reliable sign of racial purity. I see people with blonde hair and blue eyes all the time, every day. But something has been bothering me particularly the misconceptions of the individual who asked the question. Blonde hair and blue eyes, because of their historic association with the Nordic peoples, were seen as a surefire proof of Germanic descent and therefore Aryan descent and racial purity. "superior" when he himself had brown hair and brown eyes. Mon 6 Nov 2006 04.36 EST. Hitler had the idea that the "superior" genetics were ones with blue eyes and blonde hair. The "normal" category that we all belong to, and can fit into with ease . You would be surprised to know that their hair color can change before they turn 10. Yes, it is the beauty standard. It doesn't make much sense. It's only superior to the blonde hair blue eyed people. Members of this alleged master race were referred to as "Herrenmenschen" ("master humans").The Nazi theorist Alfred Rosenberg believed that the "Nordic race" was descended from "Proto-Aryans", who he believed had pre-historically dwelt on the . Semitic and Slavic peoples . . doesnt make us better or worse in any way what so ever. . The Auschwitz main camp (Auschwitz I) was established . Such people have a sharp brain too and use it to get creative and productive. He liked the angelic look of the Aryan . Hitler became obsessed with 'racial purity' and used the word 'Aryan' to describe his idea of a 'pure German race' or Herrenvolk. I am not talking about being the blonde type with blue eyes and hair. . . I suggest you might want . Answer (1 of 59): I know that this is way overdue and I shouldn't be replying to a dead question which has already been answered (I presume that it is answered). And since he didn't like anyone else. Best Answer. And since he didn't like anyone else. alone, they kidnapped 200,000 blond-haired, blue-eyed children. Jess Smee in Wernigerode. 6. The figure of the Übermensch, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, was a member of the superior race which was intended to rule the earth during the Nazis' so-called "Thousand Year Reich". You say "Having a blond girl with blue eyes is pure beauty and rare. To be accepted into the Lebensborn, pregnant women had to have the right racial characteristics — blonde hair and blue eyes — prove that they had no genetic disorders, and be able to prove the . ive never met someone that thinks theyre superior because they have blue and blonde on them. German anthropologist . Why would Hitler believe that blonde hair and blue eyes were.? Someone with black hair, olive skin and brown eyes could be more pure than someone with blonde hair, pale . Blonde hair and blue eyes are a result of flaw in DNA, abnormality in gene. The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most "pure blood" of all the people on earth. Elliott's Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes exercise divided her class and a nation."Blue eyed people are. . we dont think we are superior. People of dark-skinned races frequently dye or lighten their hair, wear blond wigs or hairpieces, and otherwise employ various tactics to appear light-haired or blondish. To the Nazis, the Roman Empire showed the superior Aryan genes which then became diluted as conquered peoples moved into Italy. The idea of a superior European race is something that dates back to the Renaissance and was significantly developed during the 17th and 18th centuries as a result of the genres of thought that surrounded European colonialism. The 'Aryan race' had a duty to control the world. They take things seriously when the matter is of concern and do not tolerate mistakes. People with natural blue eyes or blonde hair posses natural flaw in gene. The National Socialists considered the Nordic sub-race of the Aryan race to be the . Now, does it? Seasoned European and US journalists from the mainstream media were also emotional not at human beings killed and becoming refugees but at the . Hitler had the idea that the "superior" genetics were ones with blue eyes and blond hair. Blonde hair and blue eyes are rare not cos it's specially superior or favored by God or the Nature like many believe, most people of the world have dark gene it's cos most . 1942. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Due to their superior abilities and intelligence, and capacity for culture-building, the term 'Aryan . Regardless, having blonde hair and blue eyes did not necessarily qualify someone as a member of the "Master race", otherwise known as the Nordic race. Hitler awarding the Hünenkreuz to a model Übermensch, ca. Eventually the Nazi's also considered "Germans" to be a super-race. Brown melanin is the only pigment that exists in the eye; there is . Sharp Brain and Attentive. The National Socialists did not consider everyone with blonde hair and blue eyes to be superior at all, this is war time and allied propaganda. Blue eye color is determined by melanin, and melanin is actually brown by nature. Its almost like a totally different species but in no way inferior." You imply 'The only true beauty is this race that I like best and we are superior to you.' Btw, it's not rare at all. No, not much. . The master race (German: Herrenrasse) is a concept in Nazi ideology in which the putative "Aryan race" is deemed the pinnacle of human racial hierarchy. The National Socialists would have been a laughing stock if they thought that only people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the only people who are the Aryan race. Why was the Nazi aryan race (blonde hair blue eyes) reinforced even though Hitler had black hair and eyes. 2014-02-11T22:45. He was a fan of Norse legends, and those kinds of physical features go with that, more or less. The color of our eyes depends on how much melanin is present in the iris. The official is clearly a racist for naturally one would be emotional if one's countrymen, women and children are being killed but his words "blond hair and blue eyes" reveal his attitude. Best Answer. Hitler's .

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