javascript change iframe src and reload

Browsers which support loading=lazy on iframes will lazy-load the iframe, while the loading attribute will be safely ignored in browsers which do not support it yet. You can try to run the following code to learn how to locate external HTML −. Not supported in HTML5. Binding to the src property of an iframe causes the iframe to reload every time change detection is run, even when the src value has not changed. It is difficult to set the size of the content in the iframe tag as same as the main content. To prevent the reload issue, create a custom pipe like @littleOStar suggests. ; The optional startSeconds parameter … set script src into iframe src. To prevent the reload issue, create a custom pipe like @littleOStar suggests. Force an Iframe to Reload. The first page loads the right iframe: You then visit the second page, and it updates the iframe: Finally, you visit the third page, and it too renders the correct iframe: At first glance, everything seems to be working correctly. Happens with all Angular versions <= 4.1 (current version at time of this writing) So the problem is that this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl returns a new object every time it is invoked. HTMLIFrameElement.allow. Code snippet: function getIframeContent (frameId) { var frameObj = document.getElementById (frameId); var frameContent = frameObj. Now, it has and contentWindow property which returns the document object by using that we can access the elements from an Iframe. // the `unload` event is dispatched. Paste the above code in the JavaScript field, change the highlighted URL to the website you would like to redirect to and click Save Action. Secondly, we learned how to isolate certain parts of our app in an iframe. This makes your website available earlier and reduces your official page load time which is an important SEO metric.” ~ MDN mozilla. It is also possible to lazy-load offscreen iframes using the lazysizes JavaScript library. Do not use Inquisitive Iguana's answer! Answer by Adele Morrison I have an iframe that’s rendering some content. We can use the onload event handler of the iframe HTML tag. The attr() Method. First we show how the document in the iframe can get references to the iframe element containing it and to the containing document and its properties and objects. Here's how to defer parsing of Javascript for YouTube iframe videos in WordPress. That way you only need to have an array of urls instead of the full iframe html code. These include a loading of scripts, images, links, subframes etc. document.getElementById ('iframeId').src =. Set or change iframe source using jquery. Iframes are often used to load third party content, ads and widgets. For same-domain iframes: From the parent page, the complete height & width of the iframe can be found through its contentDocument.body.scrollHeight & contentDocument.body.scrollWidth properties. I am a little confused about where the